A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X 


TaskCallback - net.posprinter.posprinterface中的接口
text(int, int, String, int, int, int, String) - 类 中的静态方法net.posprinter.utils.DataForSendToPrinterTSC
This command prints text on label.
TransmitsTheSizeOfTheEncodedSymbolDataInTheSymbolStorageAreaMaxiCode() - 类 中的静态方法net.posprinter.utils.DataForSendToPrinterPos80
Transmits the size of the encoded symbol data in the symbol storage area
ASCII GS ( k p L p H cn fn m
Hex 1D 28 6B p L p H cn fn m
[Range] p L = 3, pH = 0
cn = 50
fn = 82
m = 48
TransmitsTheSizeOfTheSymbolDataInTheSymbolStorageAreaPDF417() - 类 中的静态方法net.posprinter.utils.DataForSendToPrinterPos80
Transmits the size of the symbol data in the symbol storage area.
TransmitsTheSizeOfTheSymbolDataInTheSymbolStorageAreaQRCode() - 类 中的静态方法net.posprinter.utils.DataForSendToPrinterPos80
Transmits the size of the symbol data in the symbol storage area
GS ( k p L p H cn fn m (fn = 82)
Hex 1D 28 6B p L p H cn fn m
[Range] p L = 3, pH = 0
cn = 49
fn = 82
m = 48
type - 类 中的变量net.posprinter.service.PrinterConnectionsService.Printer